Wills, Trusts & Probate


We offer expert advice on all aspects of Wills, Trust and Inheritance Tax planning. We provide advice to a broad range of clients and frequently advise several generations of the same family. Our kind, independent and practical support means many clients return to us again and again as their circumstances change and trust our advice when bereavement strikes.

We also specialise in advising on all the issues which are of particular concern to our older clients and their families, from dealing with the impact of failing health, through Lasting Powers of Attorney and dealing with the Office of the Public Guardian, to helping to plan for long term care and advising as to ways of reducing the impact of Inheritance Tax on the future generations.

We can help you with the following:

  • Wills and Inheritance Tax Planning
  • Preparing and administering family trusts
  • Lasting Powers of Attorney and the Office of the Public Guardian
  • Living Wills and Advance Decisions
  • Contentious Probate
  • Probate and Estate Administration
  • Advice for the elderly and their families
  • Probate disputes and contested Wills

Pricing guidance for Probate and Administration of Estates is given in this PDF which you can view and/or download by clicking it.